The Book of Awesome is currently number 45 on Amazon's list of top selling books. The description of the best seller reads as follows:
The Book of Awesome presents simple pleasures for a younger, hipper generation. From the smell of gasoline to fixing electronics by smacking them to the extra time you get when the clocks roll back, The Book of Awesome reminds readers of little things that make us smile everyday.I guess an alternate title would have been "Things that make you go -Awesome!". With the success of this book, can the Book of "Cool"! and the Book of "Dude!" be far behind? Given the current level of literary output in our country, who knows, maybe one of these might just garner the Nobel Prize for Literature! Now, that would be Awesomely Cool Dude!
Entries include: Old dangerous playground equipment, Wearing underwear just out of the dryer, Being the first table called up for the dinner buffet at a wedding, Watching The Price Is Right when you're home sick, When the vending machine gives you two things instead of one, The first shower you take after not showering for a really long time, When cashiers open up new checkout lanes at the grocery store, Sleeping in new bed sheets, Waiters and waitresses who bring free refills without asking, and hundreds more.
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