Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday's LMT stays at $2 but "paperboys" take pay cut

Their sign isn't the only thing that could use an upgrade
First of all, let me acknowledge that the people selling newspapers at the corner may be a younger or older male or even a female. I am using the term "paperboy" as a sort of generic term. Having said all that, I bought my copy of the Sunday Laredo Morning Times this morning and was surprised to find that it still costs two dollars. Since the price of the daily went up from 50cents to 75 cents last week, I was a bit surprised because I fully expected the same to apply to their Sunday edition.

As I rolled down my window I asked the guy "Que tanto cuesta ahora?". "Dos dolares" he replied, "no subio?". I gave him 3bucks as I commented "Estaba seguro que iba a subir". Sadly, he explained "No, no le subieron, pero nos abajaron el sueldo a nosotros". I had another extra one dollar bill so I let the guy have it as well. LMT is building up a pretty bad track record as far as being a good corporate citizen. They'be been around since 1881 but lately they've been acting as if they're more of a fly-by-night operation. First, the downturn in the quality and selection (or omission) of their reporting, now this.

English version of my conversation with the guy selling the newspaper:
Me: "How much does it cost now?"
Him: "Two dollars"
Me:  "It didn't go up? I was sure they were going to raise the price"
Him: "No, no they didn't but they did cut our pay"


  1. No way! Wait, how can the paper sellers get lower than minimum wage? Must check this out.

  2. Well, I don't know how much they get paid but the guy told me they cut their pay. If if was at minimum wage already- then it's illegal to cut it further.

  3. The paperboys I have seen look underage &/ or illegal, pobrecitos. I doubt they ever got minimum wage. --Anymouse
