Thursday, January 13, 2011

Language: More suffix dichotomies

Language is in the ear of the beholder
I had previously touched upon the dichotomus relationship of certain suffixes. For example, I had explained that the endings ito is an over positive one while the suffix illo has more negative connotations. Case in point:

Viejito- an elderly gentleman whom we probably find likeable and are willing to help if need be.

Viejillo - an inconsiderate, unfreindly older male who is probably selfish and is not very sociable.

In that same vein, I thought of a couple of more that further advance the same notion.

Maranito - Either a small, even cute piglet that's fun to watch. Also, a popular type of Mexican sweet bread.
Maranillo - Usually, an uncouth drunkard who is to be avoided : "Mira nomas que viejo maranillo!"

carrito - a nice looking, probably dependable car to enjoy and take care of. "Oye, que buen carrito!"
carrillo- a jalopy type vehicle, often not current on reg/insp stickers, smoky: "Ese carrillo ya nomas no!'

Padrecito -A pious, wise man of the cloth. "Fijate que hablo muy bien el padrecito ahoy".
Padrecillo- A not so freindly priest who scolds people for not donating."Oye, ese padrecillo ya se mando!"

colchita - a soft, very warm and comfortable blanket.  "Si, esta frio. De buenas que tengo mi colchita."
colchilla- a somewhat less than comfortable & drafty blanket. "Chin....mira la colchilla que me dejaste!"

Thanks for reading. Ya es medio tardesito tardesillo.


  1. You forgot:

    locito: un local blogger que quiere a su tierra natal

    locillo: un local blogger que escribe hasta la una de la manana.

  2. si tienes mucha razzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzon

  3. Both of you are going to drive me crazy with spelling - but I will say nothing, i will say nothing, i will say nothing...

  4. That sounds like Schultz on Hogan's Heroes" Nutthing My Commandant.....I saw Nutthing! Ok maybe you're not old enough to remember.

  5. I 'member - kinda. Es que le tengo miedo al BTB, me regaƱa cuando le encuentro palabras que no deletreo correctamente. I can't help being a nerd :(.

  6. Well here's how little I know- how do you do it to type the "n" in regana ? I don't know how to do that. If i do a proofread on my Spanish, it all comes out yellow-highlighted.

  7. We write/speak Laredense. Y que.

    Pos si le queda a la QF el Schulz reference since she is a "spelling Nazi" apparently.

    Ni modo.

    I never say a word when I notice the syntactical errors in English. Nothing against nerds, but . . .

  8. Dime BTB, dime. ¿O que no quieres que mejore? While you are at it, tell me where the frickin' accents go, ha. I can spell but I can't make subjects and verbs agree.

    Pero si solo quieres bronca, pos... facil - the West side ain't got nuthin' on the Hungry Hill.

    on a mac it is: press Option,'n' & 'n' again
    on a PC it is: press Alt 164
