Friday, January 7, 2011

Anybody listen to the Tom Wade Show today?

 $$ Is the City losing Big bucks on the Bucks ??
I did not, as I wanted to, get a chance to listen to the Tom Wade show this morning. As some of you might know, I had posted about whether the Laredo Bucks are losing money for the City. While not really expecting Wade to answer, I wonder if he even mentioned the topic. He has alluded to this and other local blogs before so we know he's aware of them. I apologize for not having a first-hand (ear) account on Mr. Wade's response, or non-response. However, this does not mean that we have to drop the subject.

If anyone listened in, please feel free to comment on Mr. Wades remarks or lack thereof.  Actually, I'd be interested to find out whatever it was he did talk about. Regardless, the question of the Bucks' obligations to the City of Laredo should be persued.

Some of you might have read or seen the unfortunate story about a Laredo family being evicted for supposed non-payment of taxes.We don't claim to have all the facts here. Nonetheless, the city's non-wavering actions in this specific incident only serves to redirect our attention: 1) Was this the right thing to do, morally and legally? 2) Will the city now act in the same manner across the board in enforcing others' outstanding debt?  3) Will there be real consequences for those, including the Bucks, who do not comply with their financial obligations to the City of Laredo?

So, once again, if anyone has any info on Tom Wade's explanation of the Bucks' financial status with our city,  please fill us in. I would also appreciate having Mr. Wade's e-mail so that Laredotejas can forward our concerns to him and provide him with an opportunity to respond. We will be happy to reproduce his answer un-edited. Mr. Wade uses the public airwaves to promote his opinions. We're offering him a chance to promote the truth. Thanks for reading.  


  1. I am not a listener, nor do I want to be. I am your reader, though, and would be curious to know if he even has listeners.

  2. First of all -Gracias for being a reader. I admit I listen once in a while and yesterday was one of those days, but not today. I'll still see If I can get some response - if only for the sake of exposing this favoring of the elites.

  3. Tom is a hockey fan and an "off ice" official. I am not sure why you would think that he has any financial insight into the Laredo/Bucks financial relationship. This town does have reporters that could actually do "investigative" reporting.

  4. Hey Max, I sent you an email Sunday after reading one of your post. I am always available at I am not associated with Bucks other than what Anonymous stated (unpaid position.) I do agree though, if the Bucks owe the city money it needs to be paid back, just like any other person would have to do. I did not discuss Friday as I had no headups on your post. Will try to comment later this week.

  5. Thanks to both of you for your opinion. First of all, I know TOM has no obligation to fill us in the the financial aspect of the Bucks. However, I know he's very involved and so there was a very good chance he might know the status of their rent/finances. Also, since Tom is an avowed fiscal conservative, that too gave me a notion that he might have some info.
