Tuesday, January 4, 2011

LMT absent on City Council proceedings

This is getting to be LMT's slogan

It was mentioned in one of the blogs that the Laredo Morning Times did not cover last night's city council meeting at all.  How can this be? The meeting was over in plenty of time to make this morning's paper. Unless they're printing it at 5pm or something. The blogs, in the meantime had several postings on the subject. Does that mean that we, of the blogging persuasion, get the rights and benefits of the press now?  It is now more obvious than ever that "Times" is abdicating the duty it's had since 1881.

I wonder what the reaction (if any) of the City would be if a blogger was to show up at the council meetings with a tripod, cam and mic and start to record the meetings. Would that person be told not to do that? Being relatively new to this blogging process, I have to admit that I don't know the answer to that. I would like to think that we are in a country that even in a city like Laredo, we would have that right. I'm sure the Mayor wouldn't mind. That would just be one more camera he could ham it up for.


  1. I attended a meeting at the commissioners court some time back. I started asking questions and told them that I was a local blogger who wanted to capture some footage. They directed me to a section of the room designated for the media.

  2. Thanks KR, that answers my question. Maybe I should start looking for an old hat and stick a "Press" label in it. Seriously, I'm glad to hear they accomodated you. Given Salinas' anti-first amendment history, I wonder if the city would be as civil.
