The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side." |
Both the
Laredo Morning Times and TAMIU have recently reported on a series of weekend math retreats that will be taking place at the university. The retreats will be held between mid January and mid April 2011. There will be a total of 10 of them and each can accomodate 25 students. According to an article posted on the university's website, previous retreats are showing some positive results. The following is excerpted from a TAMIU news article.
A series of weekend retreats at Texas A&M International University will help Laredo area minority high school students build a stronger math foundation while preparing them for college.
The TAMIU Mathematics Weekend Retreats Spring 2011, designed for minority sophomore, junior, and senior studentsl, said Dr. Hoonandara Goonatilake, TAMIU associate professor of mathematics.
“This project will assist selected students in their mathematics courses, thus enabling them to be successful in securing college entry, develop a more sophisticated understanding of their own study skills and strengths, and developing communities of peers,” said Dr. Goonatilake.The deadline to apply for the retreat is Friday, Jan. 7, Goonatilake said. Applications can be downloaded from http: http://www.blogger.com/~rbachnak/STEMRRG/index3.html
Goonatilake explained that the retreats, partially supported by a U.S. Department of Education, STEM-RRG grant, will expose students to an adequate math foundation and will emphasize basic skills, critical thinking and problem solving capabilities required to be successful in college courses and beyond. Students who participated in similar retreats during Spring and Summer 2010 have shown success in the THEA, SAT, ACT and AP Mathematics tests, he said.
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