Last year, Santa Maria elementary earned a highly-coveted recognized rating by the state of Texas. This year, nearby Farias school principal Eduardo "Wayo" Martinez made it a priority to equal this accomplishment. After a long year of hard work and dedication by administration, teachers, students and parents, Farias accomplished its lofty goal as noted by today's Laredo Morning Times.
Scores for TAKs tests in math, reading and even science registered marked improvements. Science passing scores skyrocketed more that 40 percentage points to 84 per cent. The LMT article goes on to detail some of the changes implemented this year which brought about such wholesale change. Some teachers were even known to stay at school until 1 or 2 in the morning.
Meanwhile, co-west side campus Dovalina also made improvements for the better, garnering an acceptable rating this year. It looks like Laredo's old West side is making overall progress and we, at LaredoTejas are glad to see that. It's no secret that Maximiliano from LaredoTejas, Keyrose, from La Sanbe and BTB from Bordertown blues all hail from Martin High School which has graced the corner of San Bernardo and Park since 1932.
Truchas con la Martin