Laredo, TX - June 20, 2011 - (RealEstateRama)
Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX-28) announced today that the South Texas Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (STCADA) received federal funding from a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rant in the amount of $893,614. In addition to the HUD grant, Webb County D.A. Chilo Alaniz and Sheriff Martin Cuellar both contributed $48,667 each and Mr. Javier Santos, on behalf of the Fernando A. Salinas Trust, contributed $50,691 bringing the total amount of funding for the project to $1,041,639.
The funds will support the “Next Step Project” which aims to provide permanent supportive housing for the chronically homeless as they transition into self-sufficiency.
“Twenty housing units will be built through the Next Step Project to support the homeless in the Laredo and Webb County area, many of whom are struggling with issues such as mentall illness, substance abuse and domestic violence,” Congressman Cuellar said. “The awarded funds help STCADA further their mission of helping individuals rebuild their lives by allowing this important organization to offer robust around the clock care to those suffering with chronic homelessness.”
STCADA will develop screening criteria to identify appropriate persons who qualify for supportive housing services. Recruitment efforts will place special emphasis on those persons living in locations not meant for human habitation, persons from emergency shelters and persons in temporary supported housing. Once in the facility, individuals will receive continuous care for their basic needs. Therapy will also be provided by caseworkers and counselors along with life and job skills to help individuals transform their lives from homeless to self sufficient.
STCADA is working with other organizations in the city including Bethany House, the Food Bank and the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to name a few in efforts to ensure that the facility is able to supply adequate food and other essential services.
“I would like to thank Mr. Javier Santos, Sheriff Martin Cuellar and Webb County District Attorney Chilo Alaniz for contributing necessary funds to make this project possible,” Congressman Cuellar said. “I also thank Mr. Romeo Rodriguez, Executive Director of STCADA in Laredo, for never faltering in making this facility a reality.”
This is the first permanent housing facility for the homeless in Webb County.
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