Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cuellar speaks out on "Metzican" army crossing border

"Give me an M, E, T...."  T???

A little bit late, but US Congressman Henry Cuellar appeared on Pro8News speaking out about the "accidental" crossing of 3 Mexican army trucks into US territory via bridge No. 2.  Naturally, Cuellar tried to ease any worries and said that the Mexican troops simply were not familiar with the area.  I couldn't help but notice the Congressman's pronunciation.  As many of you might have noticed, the congressman has the tendency to say "Met-zi-co" instead of  "Mex-i-co".  Perhaps not as surprising, the same pronunciation is shared by Henry's brother, Webb County Martin Cuellar.  Not that there's anything wrong with that!

1 comment:

  1. ___Henri and Maltin are retarded, just listen to what they say and do . . .

    ___Henri just keeps bringing more and more money to our city, what is wrong with that but where does it come from ?

    ___Maltin is also always in front of the TV camera whereas he should be out in the Brush chasing the Kriminal element
