"Fracking?? What's that there y'all keep talking about??" |
Agri-Life Today.org
National Ranchers Conference scheduled June 29-30 in Laredo will feature programs on drought
management, identifying global forces impacting American beef cattle trade, updates on livestock diseases and other topics, according to organizers.
The conference, which will feature industry representatives and participants from the U.S. and Mexico,
will be held at the Embassy
Suites Hotel, 110 Calle Del Norte. Cost is $45, and registration by June 24 is recommended to prepare for meals, seating and refreshments.The conference will feature a trade show as well, and the booth fee is $200.
“Several issues are affecting the beef cattle and wildlife industry and particularly producers in South Texas,” said George L. Gonzales, Texas AgriLife Extension Service agent in Webb County. “From the current impact of the drought to fluctuations in market prices, we have topics that will be of interest to every producer.”
Speakers include Drs. Larry Falconer and Parr Rosson, AgriLife Extension economists; Dr. Joe Paschal, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist; and John Smith, AgriLife Extension program specialist. Dr. Alfonso Ortega-Santos, research scientist, and Dr. Randy DeYoung, research assistant professor, both with the Caesar Kleberg Wildlife Research Institute, will also speak. Additional speakers will include Dr. Megan Dominguez, AgriLife Extension range specialist, Dr. Wayne Hanselka, AgriLife Extension specialist emeritus, rangeland consultant.
Topics include: essential records for ranch operations, grass-fed beef production and management, global forces shaping North American cattle/beef trade, ranch security, rainwater harvesting/water conservation strategies, holistic ranch management, water infiltration methods, cattle, range and forage management, drought management strategies, common misconceptions in whitetailed-deer
management practices, foreign animal diseases and veterinarian updates.
Texas Department of Agriculture pesticide license holders will earn two continuing education units on June 29 and two on June 30.
For more information, call Gonzales at at 956-721-2626 or 2627 or Flavio Garza at the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service office at 956-723-6643, ext. 3.