Friday, April 22, 2011

Project Terror: A balanced dose of the scientific and the terrifying on KENS TV

Stay tuned for Project Terror after the news!

Laredo had it's Dr. Zeko show in the 1960s followed by the Count Natas show that ran until the early 1980's. I am not entirely show on those dates. Somewhere in between those years, San Antonio KENS TV had it's own local showing of horror classics? on Project Terror. It started with some sort of sirens blaring in a weird sort of rhythm until the voice over came in.... "Project Terror: Where the Scientific and the Terrifying Emerge". Ala !!


  1. where the weird and the terrifying emerge

  2. Would like to know if there are any showings of the Dr. Zeko show with some of the commercials.

  3. I never heard of Dr. Zeko, but I used to watch Project terror in San Antonio, growing up. That siren used to scare the bejeesus out of me. It's a shame that local programming is now non-existent.
