From Spectrum.ieee.org
The United States accounted for almost a fifth of global clean tech investment in 2011, regaining a lead it had lost to China two years before. That tidbit prompted the Financial Times to lead its Friday paper with the Bloomberg report. But it is by no means the only significant detail of the report and arguably not the most important by a long shot.
Perhaps the most significant finding was that investment in solar far surpassed wind last year. With solar investment up 36 percent last year and wind investment down 17 percent, spending on photovoltaic and thermal solar installations was almost twice as great as turbine outlays. 2011 solar investment came to $136.6 billion--more than half the global clean tech total of $260 billion--while wind investment was $74.9 billion.
Cautioning green energy boosters and potential investors, Bloomberg Clean Energy Finance pointed out that the high U.S. clean-tech totals have been heavily driven by Federal incentives for solar and wind that have just expired, and that another U.S. tax credit for wind could be terminated at the end of this year.
Too bad a large amount of it is wasted money down a rat hole....more green bankruptcies to come.