Monday, October 10, 2011

Asst City Manager draws $140,000 salary but has no answer for kids' soccer fields

"cough, cough, give us a minute coach!"

Just a few minutes ago, Pro8News had Asst. City Manager Horacio De Leon on video speaking to the continuing problem of the "piedras y tierra" (rocks and dirt) soccer fields on which hundreds of Laredo's youth play flag football and soccer.

With a salary close to $140,000 a year, De Leon had a very weak answer to the problem. He said that "it makes no sense" to improve the Calton Road "rock fields" because some new fields are in the planning stage.  No one asks him to wait for his $140,000 annual salary. Yet he has absolutely no problem in giving a sorry excuse for an answer when it comes to other people's kids and the deplorable recreation fields they must continue to try to play in.

1 comment:

  1. It's unfortunate that the kids don't have an alternative to this while the new fields are being designed.

    Nevertheless, where is all the money that the teams pay in dues going?

