Monday, March 21, 2011

Maybe we should change the name of Laredo. Is it April Fool's already?

I must have been watching the marathon coverage on Japan/Libya or maybe Wisconsin but I completely missed the piece Pro8news had on possibly changing our city's name in order to combat the rash of bad publicity that has plagued Laredo for years. My first questions was : Is it April fool's day already? Once I realized that we were still in March Madness, I become convinced that apparently Pro8news had absolutely nothing else to cover and so they semi-invented the story. That's the only explanation for such a lame idea to merit even 30 seconds of air time, even on a questionable operation such as channel 8. Change a city's name to deal with it's image?

Ok, let's say that in  Bizzaro world, Laredo changed it's name to something else, something like Shangrila. Would this act in itself cause people from all over the country to visit the new town in Texas with the Utopian name? Or would they simply realize that this was indeed the same town of Laredo and that things must be really bad for it to have to change it's name in order to attract any visitors? I think it's safe to say the latter case would probably be true.

One other thing, what would keep Nuevo Laredo from changing it's name to Nuevo Shangrila? Then whenever there would be violence or other bad news in Nuevo Shangrila, chances are pretty good  that the rest of the US would incorrectly assume that it was also happening in............(you've guessed it) Shangrila. Or as Prince would say, the city formerly known as Laredo.

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