However, more recently, any mention of the park is referred to simply as a "minor league baseball park". I couldn't help but wonder why the sudden low-profile after exalting the name of Unitrade Stadium just a month or two ago.
From Monday's City Council agenda:
Item no.41. Consideration for approval of change order no. 1, an increase of $900,000.00 to the construction contract with Construction Manager at Risk Leyendecker Construction, Inc., Laredo, Texas, for the City of Laredo Minor League Ballpark for additional funding required for the purchase of the food service equipment. Current construction contract amount with this change order is $16,555,990.00. Funding is available in the 2011 Sales Tax Revenue Bond and the Baseball Stadium Fund. (Contingent upon approval of Final Reading-Ordinance 2012-O-023).
(Approved by Finance Committee)
Did things sour between friends? Perhaps the city doesn't want the people to think that Unitrade had anything to do with the construction of the stadium.
Or the city is protecting Unitrade but deciding to keep their name off until the city (taxpayers) have completely finished the building of the this baseball debacle.