As Laredo's Most Imposing Blog, La Sanbe put it, the Occupy Laredo movement was, for all intents and purposes, exiled by our seedy council to the penal colony known locally as El Metro Park & Ride.
District 1 councilman Mike Garza apparently took advantage of an unsuspecting group of citizens, many of whom hadn't even heard of this so-called Park & Ride. Garza was banking on the notion that simply having the word "Park" in the name of his suggested location would draw a positive response from the would-be-occupiers and lo and behold, his scheme worked.
It now appears that those whom the seedy council chooses to look down upon as ne'er-do-wells will be banquished to the former Laredo Air Force Base wherein the Park & Ride lies. It is not exactly a location that offers Occupy Laredo any semblance of high visibility. Yet, councilman Garza may have overlooked a strategic truth in his ploy. Within a stones throw of the future Occupy Laredo campgrounds, stands one of the most blatant symbols of the 1 per cent, the privileged few and the dis-connected: The Washington Birthday Celebration Association headquaters.
It looks like the Park and Ride might not be such a bad center of operations for Laredo's fledgling Occupy Movement afterall.