Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ethics ad-hoc committee meets again on Wednesday evening

The Laredo ethics committee is meeting for the second time in the last 8 days.  The gathering is slated for Wednesday at 6pm at the city manager's conference room on the third floor of city hall.  Voices In Democratic Action has gone on record as officially rejecting councilman San Miguel's appointee, Alfonso Campero.

The initial objection by VIDA was voiced at last week's meeting and continued Monday night at the regularly-scheduled meeting. Dr. Hector Farias and at least two other VIDA members made it clear to the city council that Mr. Campero is "unacceptable" for the committee. Farias explained that Campero has worked with San Miguel and for San Miguel's "boss", businessman Eduardo Garza of Unitrade Stadium fame. 


  1. How can one email or call VIDA? They have no website?

    1. Sounds like George Altgelt represents VIDA. you can contact them through him.

  2. Good question. There should be at least one representative from the group at this evening's meeting.

  3. VIDA needs to keep applying the heat.

  4. Que es eso? "ethics"?

  5. Better question. Why won't the VIDA members run for office? :D
