Tuesday, May 8, 2012

First fracking spills, now Radioactive waste through our streets?

" Este debe ser para Laredo/This should be the Laredo shipment"

Hijole! It just keeps getting worse. I wish I were making some of this stuff up- pero no.  Mexican radioactive waste is scheduled to enter through Laredo on it's way up to Washington state. There, the waste will be incinerated then returned to Mexico. I'm guessing it will go reverse-route and the radioactive ash will also grace The Streets of Laredo.

I'm sure the mayor and seedy council are ok with this because I think Laredo will get a couple of bucks per truck axle when this shipment crosses over the bacteria-infested waters of the Rio Grande.

From The Tri-City Herald

YAKIMA -- A waste management company has applied to the federal government for a license to import up to 500 tons of radioactive waste from Mexico to Richland, where the waste will be incinerated and the resulting ash returned to Mexico.

According to the application, the company would begin importing up to 500 tons of radioactively contaminated materials this year from Mexico's Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant near Veracruz for incineration, and continue through March 31, 2017.

The low-level waste in question generally involves protective clothing and tools that have some degree of contamination. Incinerating it reduces the volume and makes it easier to dispose of the waste.

The waste would cross the border in Laredo, Texas and travel by truck on interstate highways to the Perma-Fix facility in Richland, according to the application.

"It's not particularly hazardous stuff," McIntyre said. "They just don't have the incineration capacity down there, whereas Perma-Fix is skilled at it and experienced at it."

Radioactive materials are best managed as close to the site of generation as possible, said Tom Clements of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability.
Ideally, Mexico should deal with its own nuclear waste and not send it to the U.S. for processing, he said.   (You don't say)

Read more here: http://www.tri-cityherald.com/2012/05/03/1932043/perma-fix-seeks-ok-to-treat-mexican.html#storylink=cpy

1 comment:

  1. Rio Grande ...Radio-Active Isotopes? Hmmm
