Thursday, March 1, 2012

A tale of two cities: Laredo parks

$2.5Million spent on North Central, Zero on San Francisco Xavier

San Francisco Xavier neighborhood could not get a park because the $215,000 which had been allocated for it had to be used for more basic things: in this case, sidewalks.  The below agenda item appeared in last week's seedy council meeting and not surprisingly, no one was there to speak out.

6. Public hearing allowing interested persons to comment on the proposed amendment to the 2011 Consolidated One-Year Action Plan by canceling the San Francisco Javier Neighborhood Park Project totaling $215,000.00 in 36th Action Year (AY) 2010 funds, and reprogramming the $215,000.00 for the design and construction of sidewalks in District VIII.
 Meanwhile, in upscale North Central park, today's Laredo Morning Times features a picture of a smiling Charlie San Miguel (cm.dist6) at the ground-breaking of a $2.5 million park pool. Reportedly, this is part of the city's $68 Million dollar investment in its parks. All that money and they could not spend $215,000 for the San Francisco Xavier neighborhood park.


  1. A couple of years ago, I attended a town hall meeting for the San Francisco Xavier residents, and they lamented the fact that the area didn't have playground facilities for kids. The nearest park was the Dos Laredos Park by bridge 1, but residents didn't like the fact that kids had to cross the tracks or travel the distance to get to it.


  2. We have been trying to find a good spot for a park in the area but have had no luck. There are a few good empty lots which we can't build on because they are in the flood plain. We have also looked into buying vacant lots but have run into properties which don't have clear deeds which would make the acquisition very difficult. We really did explore all options for the park to no avail. I did not want to lose the funds so they were transferred to build sidewalks as part of a larger project for the area that will include replacing water lines & repaving streets. All of the funds will be used to improve the infrastructure in the area. If anyone knows of a good spot for the park that is available and not in the flood plain, please send me the address. I would love to check it out. Council Member Cindy Liendo Espinoza

  3. CM Liendo, thank you for your response. I certainly hope that someone who knows of a good area sees this and contacts you. Your explanation makes sense and I'm pretty sure the residents of that area would have appreciated at least being filled in on why the project was cancelled. It's good to hear from you. You can contact this blog anytime you wish to inform the public of any information you deem important enough.

    I know Father Bill Davis is pretty active in trying to improve the area around San Francisco Xavier church so perhaps someone from his parish could provide some suggestions as well.

    Again, Thank You and good luck

  4. The San Francisco Javier has some major issues, no park is one but sidewalks even worse. I lived in a house that had the same address as one 2 blocks down (not a city problem, I think, or maybe it is?). But I thought there was a group forming around environmental concerns and led by Fr. Davis?? Regardless, the barrio's infrastructure needs help.
